Monday, June 19, 2006


So, there I was with my terrible $55 Madonna tickets. $55 is a lot of money for a concert... for me at least. And I had the worst seats in the house. They were basically behind the stage. Ashley and I walk in, they scan our tickets and the scanner makes this strange beeping noise. The angry black lady like I've seen on TV tells us we have to go over to this other table and talk to them about our tickets. I get nervous.

"We are not seating people in this section," the girl sitting at said table informs us. "We have to seat you in a different section. Your new section is section 6, row 6 seats 1 and 2."

That's right, I got transferred from the nose-bleed seats to floor seats! 'shley and I were at the end of the runway, about 20 feet away from Madge. And it was amazing. Ahh, Madge, whadaya do to me?